May 2, 2013

2013 - The Journey Continues

No big updates for today. We are working on the game and making good progress. Porting the game takes a lot of effort and time, please be patient.

Some FAQ, since the last update:
Q: "Oh, please, tell us that this Android port won't be exclusive for hungarian players like de Uscilliardos version"
A: The game won't be Hungarian exclusive. We will use all available language packs to date.

Q: "It would be nice to see a new post here at least once or twice per month..."
A: Okay! :)

Q: "Are you going to make multiplayer?"
A: Yes. Multiplayer, achievements, stats after rounds, etc.

Q: "Why don't you translate Urcsilliardos version to English"
A: Because of exclusive rights... we can't do it.

Q: "Will there be a way to mod the AI ?"
A: I don't think so but we plan to level up the current AI.

Q: "Linux version?"
A: Uhm, well... not sure about it :)

Thank you for your support, bugreports and game ideas! We love you guys! <3


  1. You guys rock !
    I'm eagerly waiting for the android app :D

  2. Thank you guys for the faq, but sometimes old answers raise new questions (lol) :
    - One week ago I installed the Visual Studio 2010 in my computer, and since then I'm not able to play 10minSS because it triggers some kind of debug mode in VS and the game don't start. Do you know what might it be?
    - I think that most of the people who play the game is also involved with indie game making (including me). You guys probably have good experience to share with those who's still in the beginning. Have you ever considered giving some tips or tutorials based on the way 10minSS was designed and implemented?

    1. i'm not sure what could be the problem with vs2010, we'll try to find and fix it.

      you can read about the first steps in the older entries of the blog. also, we will update the page with more details about future versions soon. i like the idea to give tips&tricks, we'll see... :)

  3. The problem seems to be gone... I tryed to play last night and the game run normally. No Visual Studio 2010 dialog popped up as before. This is a very good thing... :) I think...
